Even when the Rogues episodes faltered a bit on plot terms, Captain Cold and his associates always made an impression one way or another, even if there wasn’t much to the characters.
It’s a feat that the Rogues characters have managed to become such an integral part of the Flash series in just a scare few scattered episodes.

It’s not an action-heavy episode - with the exception of the stellar opening sequence with Iris jumping out of a window - but what it lacks in adrenaline thrills, it makes up for with genuine suspense and character exploration. It’s safe to say that “Family of Rogues” is easily the best episode of the opening trifecta of season 2, and perhaps the best of the Rogue episodes so far. After the team leaves, Earth-2’s Harrison Wells emerges from the portal. Stein, who was still recovering from his collapse at the end of last week’s episode, seems to be back in good condition - until he collapses again, this time catching on fire like when Ronnie transformed into Firestorm, except with blue flame. However, Caitlin convinces him to stay at least until they’ve beaten Zoom, after also giving him hope that he can be a hero as a scientist even if he doesn’t have super speed.
Back at STAR Labs, Jay figures out how to create a stable portal in the rip they found in the basement of the lab. Iris holds no grudge towards Joe, instead understanding why he kept it a secret. Joe refuses, and after some pushing from Barry, he tells Iris the truth - that her mother was an addict that put their daughter in danger, and disappeared after being admitted to rehab. Meanwhile, Francine West, Joe’s thought-to-be-dead wife, confronts him, asking to see their daughter. With Lisa safe, she departs, but not before kissing Cisco. Barry gets Leonard put in Iron Heights, but tells him he honestly believes he’s good in him.

With the bomb gone, Leonard turns on his father and kills him. Cisco builds a compressed air gun that he uses as a vacuum, safely removing the bomb from Lisa. Barry catches the bullet in secret, though, and uses the opportunity to suit up as The Flash and confront them both. Leonard goes along with the ploy, and while Barry is able to get the two past the defenses to get the diamonds they want to steal, Lewis shoots him anyway. Barry goes undercover as a new “tech guy” to replace the dead henchman, infiltrating the operation to try to stop Lewis while Cisco removes the bomb in Lisa. They determine that Leonard is working for him because there’s a microbomb in Lisa’s head, too, which Cisco promises to remove. While investigating, Barry and Patty discover one of Lewis’ henchmen with an exploded head, and the team realizes that Lewis must have put explosives in his associates. She tells that that their dad, Lewis Snart, was abusive and terrible to them, and that Leonard hates him. Flash confronts Lisa, who doesn’t believe Leonard would be working with her father unless he was doing so against his will. Cisco is able to locate Captain Cold’s gun, but discovers Leonard working freely…with his father. She tells them that her brother has been kidnapped, and wants The Flash to save him. At Jitters, Lisa Snart “bumps into” Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry, saying she needs their and The Flash’s help. She does Iris was working on a Realtor scam that went bad, and her story makes it to the front page. Iris calls Barry during a shootout, and Barry tells her to jump out the window so he can save her. Summary: Family drama and the nature of evil form the center of the best Rogue episode to date, and a likely highlight of the season.