This can be useful when “Ray trace objects” is disabled in the Renderer in order for other 3D objects to use displacement, but you want this object to use Ray tracing for the highest quality rendering and it has not been displaced. Force Ray Trace: When enabled for the object, its surfaces will be ray traced at render time, even if “Ray trace objects” is disabled in the Renderer settings.It is useful when you have some objects you want to render with displacement but you don't want to change how all the rest of your objects are rendered, i.e. Force Displacement: When enabled for the object, its surfaces will be subdivided into micropolygons at render time, which allows the 3D geometry to be displaced correctly but at the expense of slightly longer render times.When the object's render method is set to "Default", the object is rendered according to the Ray trace objects setting in the render node. When displacement is applied to a 3D object the render method should be changed to Force Displacement. Typically it results in higher quality and faster rendering. Default: Ray Tracing is the default rendering method for an object.Smooth polygons at terminator: This fixes self-shadow artifacts at the lighting terminator of polygonal objects where the smooth normals are inconsistent with the geometric normal.A value of 4 would be considered a high value. If you are having problems try starting with 2 and then increase it by small increments until they're resolved.

However this is an advanced setting and you should not change it unless you have specific problem you need to address. Relatively flat surfaces may render more quickly with smaller values. However this can greatly increase render times. Displacement tolerance If you find that rough or spikey surfaces are showing problems at bucket edges, for example spikes having cut off tops, or gaps in ray traced shadows then increasing this value may help.Surface shader: Use this parameter to assign a surface shader to the object.Terragen does not import texture and uv information for Lightwave LWO2 formatted objects, and the untextured object will appear black until a shader is assigned in the Surface shader param, at which time Terragen will create the internal node network for the LWO object. Loop or Ping Pong: Upon completion of the sequential object cycle determined by the “Sequence first” value and “Sequence last” value, Terragen can either “loop” back to the “Sequence first” object and cycle through the objects as each frame advances, or it can “ping pong”, that is, reverse the object sequence order until the “Sequence first” object is encountered.ĭescription: This tab lets you assign a surface shader to texture the LWO object.For example, with an “Offset” value of “1” in a object sequence numbered 1 through 10, MyObject_0001.obj will load on frame 10 if “Loop” is enabled, or MyObject_0009.obj will load on frame 10 if “Ping Pong” is enabled. If an “Offset” value other than "0" is present, that value will be added to the “Sequence last” value to determine which geometry is loaded, factoring in the number of available objects in the sequence and cycling through them based on the "Loop" or "Ping Pong" mode selected.For example, when set to a value of "10" and using an object sequence numbered 1 through 10, MyObject_0010.obj will load on frame 10 when the “Offset” value is set to "0".Sequence last: This value controls both the geometry and the frame on which that geometry is loaded.For example if you set the Preview mode of the object to Wireframe but the 3D Preview object display mode is set to Show as bounding boxes then the object will only be drawn as a bounding box. The Object Display Mode button in the 3D Preview controls the mode for the preview as a whole. Preview mode:This popup has five options and lets you choose how the object should be displayed in the 3D Preview by setting the most detailed mode that the object can be displayed in. If you create an object as part of a population and then decide to use it on its own you may need to change the popup to Individual Object to get it to render. If you choose this option for an individual object it won't render. It means the objects only render as part of a population. Member of a Population: This is the default for objects created as part of creating a population. If you choose this option for objects that are part of a population the population instances will still render but the object itself will also show up at its original position. Individual Object: This is the default for objects created individually, not part of a population.